Doug Stephan Presents The Djv Show

Download - 03/04/21 - Catholics Advised Not To Take Johnson & Johnson Vaccine



Extremes in temperatures are wreaking havoc with Doug's activities. Jennifer's co-host at her other job is Dr. Drew. Like Jen, he also had COVID and they have both experienced post-COVID brain fog. Then, a story about Dr. Oz stopping to help administer life-saving efforts to an unresponsive man at Newark Airport. Some US bishops are discouraging Catholics from getting Johnson & Johnson vaccine due to "moral concerns" over its use of lab-grown cells that descend from cells taken in the 1980s from the tissue of aborted fetuses. Next, Dr. Ken Kronnhaus discusses serious mental health issues, due to Coronavirus concerns. One third of Americans are currently in a state of depression or anxiety. Finally, Doug asks to recommend the best vitamins and supplements to help prevent COVID. His response, "Exercise."