Doug Stephan Presents The Djv Show

The Daily DJV Show Download - 03/15/21 - The Ides of March be Told



Doug begins with his annual explanation of The Ides of March. No man, woman or child should go through life without hearing his version. Then, Jennifer explains how March Madness will work this year. At 42, Drew Brees is retiring after 20 years as quarterback with the New Orleans Saints. Next, news about J Lo and A Rod splitting, no wait, they're back together again. TV's "The Talk" is on a brief hiatus after Sharon Osbourne's heated exchange with Co-Host Sheryl Underwood. Three LAPD officers hurt and 10 people arrested when an LA march commemorating the one-year anniversary of Breonna Taylor’s death became violent. Home Improvement Guru Tom Kreautler of The Money Pit Radio Show answers a listener's question about creating more storage space in their attic. Finally, he has a useful and economical tip for deck restoration.