Doug Stephan Presents The Djv Show

The Daily DJV Show Download - 03/18/21- New Taxes, No Interest Bump and Favorable Economic Indicators



This podcast begins with happy news that Senator Bernie Sanders has introduced a plan to increase taxes. But, nowhere is there any incentive being discussed to bring back American businesses from China. The really good news is that The Federal Reserve has said that there is going to be no immediate increase in the interest rate. New car dealers are having a tough time, but repair shops are doing well, as people are keeping their cars longer, as a result to the pandemic. On the other hand, home sales are booming and mortgage rates have remained low and economic indicators are looking favorable. A new law has been proposed that would require employers to provide offer retirement packages and employees would be required to participate. Jennifer points out some disturbing facts about the proposed Equality Act. Next, we meet Shane Quint, Chief Technology Officer for brain imaging company Cerescan. Shane describes how the process can help diagnose the 150 known areas of the brain. He also talks abo