Doug Stephan Presents The Djv Show

DJV Download - 10/7/21 – We’re Not Subtle Here…



Lawmakers and their family members have rules/laws to follow when partaking in buying, trading and selling stocks. An investor Doug follows online has a strong suggestion for anyone unsure with which stocks to get involved: Watch what Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul, is doing, then do the same. There’s a high school student who is so savvy with stocks, he’s teaching other students about the market. This raises the question – Why aren’t stock markets part of the curriculum for all schools. Instead, there are lessons which have proved to serve no purpose in our adult lives. In more news, one year after Eddie Van Halen’s death, his son, Wolfgang, pens a touching tribute . . . The Zodiac Killer has been identified, but will not face any time in prison . . . and more. Follow us @DJVShow on Facebook, Twitter and