Doug Stephan Presents The Djv Show

DJV Download - 10/8/21 – Raising the Debt Ceiling



Why fix the national debt ceiling when we can just move it? Apparently that’s the motto for our lawmakers. This means more money they can spend, more money they can waste, more money they can fight over. Where does the decision fall in terms of ethics and morality? The government seems to continuously get a free pass while the people they’re governing over never do. Plus, a former Taliban commander has been charged with killing American troops in 2008 and will stand trial in the US . . . LBJ’s path to President of the United States of America and the questionable amount of money in his estate at the time of his death . . . and Barbara Corcoran’s fat-shaming comments to Whoopi Goldberg and the way one of her co-hosts came to her defense. Follow us @DJVShow on Facebook, Twitter and