Doug Stephan Presents The Djv Show

DJV Download - 10/28/21 – Mind Your Own Business



If you aren’t happy, no one else can make you happy. Words of wisdom from Doug and it’s the truth. So, how do you win at life? Rule #1: Leave people alone, mind your own business, live your own life . . . or as the popular saying goes, “Stay in your lane.” A conversation on how cows contribute to methane gas, a Congressman’s memo to farmers and how the animal agriculture tax affects everyone . . . Opining over gas prices increasing as well as property taxes and where that money goes . . . and more farm news. Los Angeles seems to like their parades and they’ll drop them on you before you realize, and the latest March - Small Dong March in LA. Yes, a March to end shaming over small penises. SATC revival, “And Just Like That,” is working to be more diverse with continuous conversations on the importance of diversifying. Follow us @DJVShow on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. More information on