Doug Stephan Presents The Djv Show

DJV Download - 11/1/21 – BYOS: Bring Your Own Straw



Plastic straws may be bad for the environment, but can we all agree that paper straws are not the answer . . .We welcome in November with the realization there hasn’t been any significant “first frost” yet, raising questions of global warming vs climate change and opining of shaming over the state of the weather cycles. Other news includes a conversation of side effects in teens from the COVID-19 vaccine and how dosage size should be determined – age vs weight . . . Lawmakers saying “NO” to blocking vax mandates . . . Before the Chinese government was ticking us off, it was the Japanese government and Doug reminds us why . . . and celebrity news, like the latest medical advice for Queen Elizabeth II from her doctors and why Madonna’s latest magazine cover is freaking people out. Follow us @DJVShow on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. More information on