Doug Stephan Presents The Djv Show

DJV Download - 11/10/21 – Using a Chainsaw Indoors



Did you know there is such a thing as a chainsaw for indoor use? Apparently, this is how Jennifer Horn destroyed her Christmas tree one year. In trending news, we discuss the Oklahoma Supreme Court’s decision to throw out the $465 Million opioid ruling against Johnson & Johnson, stating the company did not violate the state’s public nuisance law nor misrepresented themselves in any ads . . . What Biden’s Build Back Better Plan means for taxpayers . . . Matthew McConaughey’s stance against mandating the COVID-19 vaccine for children . . . the petition people are signing to keep James Corden away from the live action “Wicked” film . . . Shailene Woodley’s takedown of a totally random guy while defending fiancé Aaron Rodgers . . . and more. Follow us @DJVShow on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. More information on