Doug Stephan Presents The Djv Show

DJV Download - 12/02/21 – Where Have All the Workers Gone?



They’re calling it the Year of the Everything Shortage. Not only is there seeming to be a global shortage of products, there are not enough truck drivers to transport everything in, what used to be deemed, a timely manner. Truck drivers aren’t the only position with a lot of openings. Where did all the workers go? The answer – to other jobs or retirement. Slow delivery isn’t the only issue with online shopping, it seems almost everything is coming from China, even if it claims otherwise online. Speaking of China, the Women’s Tennis Association has suspended all tournaments in China over concerns of the treatment of tennis pro Peng Sjuai following her sexual abuse claims . . . Plus, there is a lot of focus on the China-Taiwan tensions and questions on what moves China might make following the close of the Beijing Olympics. In other news, the cast for Facts of Life Live has been announced with Jennifer Anniston, Kathryn Hahn, Gabrielle Union and more. Also, the story of how a high school basketball team got to