Doug Stephan Presents The Djv Show

DJV Download - 12/16/21 – Doug's Place in Space



Doug wants to go to space and is wondering what Victoria and Jai are going to do about helping him get there. (Spoiler Alert: NOT donating to his efforts.) Have you seen the new William Shatner documentary, detailing his trip to the outer limits? It starts two years prior to takeoff and is absolutely fascinating. It also shows the fear behind loved ones’ eyes, watching the people they care about make that trip and fearing they won’t make it back. Also in space news, NASA is looking into using Earth-observing satellites to better understand climate change and global warming. Included in today’s conversations are the hazards of apartment living, especially in New York City, as well as Armie Hammers release from rehab and what he faces next. Follow us @DJVShow on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. More information on