Doug Stephan Presents The Djv Show

DJV Download - 12/24/21 – Happy Christmas Eve



Many families have Advent calendars, Doug always did and Victoria grew up with one each year as well. Jai’s family did something different – one of Santa’s elves, Brownie B, would send different flavors of popcorn. Did you know Doug has been to Nazareth and Bethlehem? He shares his experience and why his cab driver didn’t want to take him. Since this is the season of giving, the DJV team wants to encourage you to give a monetary gift to those in need. There are many nationwide nonprofits to give to, as well as local non-profits who will keep your donation in your community. Most Americans say they prefer to give gifts than get gifts, and we all feel the same why. Have you seen the Christmas movie “The Holiday,” starring Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet as two strangers who meet on a home swap website and decide to trade houses for the holiday season? A TikTok’r saw it for the first time over Thanksgiving and decided to see if a stranger wanted to do it in real life! We also ask the burning question which has the