Dracaena Wines Podcast

El Dorado AVA on Winephabet Street



It’s Monday, Let’s raise a glass to the beginning of another week. It’s time to unscrew, uncork or saber a bottle and let’s begin Exploring the Wine Glass! Today, we return to Winephabet Street where the letter of the day is E and it stands for El Dorado AVA.  The region produce a large diversity of varietals, notable varietals are Zinfandel, Barbera, and Syrah and there are significant plantings of Rhône varietals. There is so much diversity, you are going to want to visit. Our special guest is Kara Sather, El Dorado Wine Association Executive Director.  If you enjoy Exploring the Wine Glass, I’d appreciate you giving me some love by taking two minutes out of your day to write up a review on whatever app you listen on. It is the best way to support the show and if you would like to keep up on everything Exploring the Wine Glass, please sign up for the newsletter at exploringthewineglass.com  Find out more about El Dorado AVA here   Music: WINE by Kēvens Official Video Follow me on Instagram!   Follow me on T