Cary Chan




Do you remember the invisible cloak that Harry Potter inherited from his father? It comes to my mind the first time when I read this chapter, it sounds scary, but sometimes the compliment can blanket yourself up, and you are going to be invisible forever to everyone including yourself if you don't take it off. 第十三章宠辱若惊,贵大患若身。何谓宠辱若惊?宠为上,辱为下,得之若惊,失之若惊,是谓宠辱若惊。 何谓贵大患若身? 吾所以有大患者,为吾有身,及吾无身,吾有何患?故贵以身为天下,若可寄天下;爱以身为天下,若可托天下。Chapter 13Success is as dangerous as failure.Hope is as hollow as fear.What does it mean that success is as dangerous as failure?Whether you go up the ladder or down it,your position is shaky.When you stand with your two feet on the ground,you will always keep your balance.What does it mean that hope is as hollow as fear?Hope and fear are both phantomsthat arise from thinking of the self.When we don't see the self as self,what do we have to fear?See the world as your self.Have faith in the way things are.Love the world as your self;then you can care for all things.