Conversations With Cinthia

Recovering Your Life After A Toxic Relationship



Toxic relationships tend to leave us with emotional baggage to unpack.  Unfortunately, there are some kinds of “unpacking” that don’t really help us to recover.  Blaming yourself for someone else’s behavior, trying to understand why an abusive or narcissistic person treated you the way they did, slandering and villainizing your ex in an attempt to get the support or validation that has been missing for so long – all of these can be “rabbit holes” that only lead further into the darkness.  Today, Cinthia encourages instead re-programming our minds with pieces of reality that got lost over the course of the relationship, especially when that reality is about who we are, why we are here, and what our purpose is.  Join her to consider your next step in building or rebuilding a healthy foundation after the wreckage of a toxic relationship or other destabilizing situation.  To dive deeper into the message of each podcast, we've created a study guide for each episode. Download your FREE Study Guide here!  https://ww