Scott Radley Show

Nothing wrong with adoption, CFL ends full-contact practices and Kenilworth closed for a movie shoot?



A statistic from the census has shown that those in living in a household with a single parent are three and a half times more likely to live in poverty. Despite this, single parenthood is being normalized and is even being chosen over other options like adoption. In fact, adoption is being seen a horrible thing to do! Why is that?   -   The CFL has announced that teams will no longer be allowed to have full contact practices as well as the addition of an extra week to the season. This is all being done in an attempt to cut down the number of concussions and exposure to potential injuries for the players. Do you think this is a good idea? Is it actually going to cut down on injuries and concussions? Guest: Bubba O'Neil, Sports Anchor at CHCH-If someone comes to your front door and asks to come into your home to shoot a movie or use it in a shoot, what should you say? Having someone pay you thousands of dollars for every day they use it, maybe a newly painted wall or two and many other things makes this s