Scott Radley Show

Sub-standard care in Ontario nursing homes, Ticats vs. Blue Bombers and curating the Personal Computer Museum



According to a Toronto Star article, three nursing homes have been told that they're no longer allowed to accept new residents due to sub-standard care. Sometimes this happens because of people turning a blind-eye and sometimes it's because of budgetary concerns. Whatever the reason, you don't want your parents or relatives to suffer, do you? Guest: Sivan Tumarkin, Head of Personal Injury and Insurance Law practice group at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP-The Ticats are facing the Winnigpeg Blue Bombers tomorrow and if the past is any indicator for the Ticats, things won't go well, or will they? Rick Zamperin joins Scott to talk about how they think tomorrow's game will go as well as the future of the Ticats' coaching roster. Guest: Rick Zamperin, Senior Sports Director at 900 CHML-Computers have been around for only a decade or two but they have revolutionized the world. They're constantly being improved and when you buy the newest model, it seems like a newer one has been released. This makes curating a museum of pe