Scott Radley Show

Would voters support a Conservative party led by Pierre Poilievre? Why would anyone want to remove a pitcher who's doing amazing mid-game? & Will Canadians someday forget the story of Easter & why it's a holiday?



What's the likelihood of voter support surging to the federal Conservatives if they had Pierre Poilievre at the helm? A study found something interesting about how voters would feel about the Tories should Poilievre be chosen as their leader. Guest: Kate Harrison, Vice Chair, Summa Strategies - When its the 7th inning and you've got a pitcher who's been so far throwing a perfect game with only 80 pitches thrown, why would anyone think it's a good idea to swap him out? Scott wants to get to the bottom of this because he's on the verge of throwing a chair in anger! Maybe Steve Foxcroft can help calm him down... or maybe Steve will grab a chair of his own. Guest: Steve Foxcroft, Sports Broadcaster, NFL Chain Gang Member, NBA Court-side Administrator, Referee & Vice-President, Fluke Transport - With the Easter weekend upon us, Scott is wondering if people still know the story of Easter and why we take off the days we do. Does the religious significance of the days mean much to Canadians? Guest: Dr. Kevin F