Hal Anderson

Mackling & Megarry - Friday, March 10th, 2017



00:00 - Bryan Young & Dara Hallock, co-chairs of the Breaking Barriers Summit on Mental Health happening this weekend at the University of Manitoba and the University of Winnipeg 18:02 - Camille - Animal Communicator 37:25 - Don't let your kids win! Josh Polgardi wrote a column explaining why he never lets kids win at anything 55:20 - Dr. Syras Derksen, psychologist with Dr. Syras Derksen & Associates -- Finding the courage to stand up for your convictions 74:20 - Michael Champagne, Meet Me At The Bell Tower, weekly community gathering in the North End 85:51 - Brett's "Hurt Locker" Pop Can story 93:42 - Richard Cloutier & Julie Buckingham tee up The News