Scots Whay Hae!

D.D. Johnston - Disnaeland



For the latest SWH! podcast Ali spoke to writer D.D. Johnston to talk all about his novel 'Disnaeland', which he describes as "..a really happy story about the end of the world". D.D. talks about the inspirations behind it, how long he's been working on it, the timely nature of its publication, the influences on it, and dystopian fiction more generally. The two also discuss the themes and ideas in 'Disnaeland', as well as the philosophies - both social and moral - which drive it. D.D. also sets out why it was important for him to 'go home' to tell this story. D.D. Johnston has written one of the most unexpected, and ultimately uplifting, novels of the year. It's the end of the world as we know it, and it feels fine.