

Today’s episode was inspired by a message I received from a listener. They told me that they’d made some bad choices in the past, don’t trust themselves anymore, and asked if I would do an episode on how we can develop our self-confidence, or get it back when we’ve lost it.  The reality is, even very confident people struggle with self-confidence at times, or in certain areas of their life. So, how do we go about increasing our self-confidence? With that thought in mind, today’s episode dives into this topic from a number of different angles. You’ll learn what self-confidence is, where it comes from, how to develop and increase it, and how to get it back if you lose it. KEY TAKEAWAYS Why self-confidence is not black or white–but it is an attitude and a mindset about your worth and your abilities.  Why everyone is a work in progress–and how sensitivity to criticism, fear of failure, and lack of support can hurt your self-confidence. Why no one’s born with self-confidence–and where it really comes from. How co