Craig Groeschel Audio

3 Secrets to the Marriage You Want | Book Club: Part 5



Do you admire those long-time married couples who still have that newlywed spark? Do you wonder what their secret is? Maybe you doubt it’s even possible to keep your marriage commitments. Pastor Craig’s sharing three secrets to getting the marriage you want. No matter your relationship status, there’s something in this message for you. ABOUT THIS MESSAGENo one has all the answers. That’s why we need a variety of voices to help us grow. During our new series, Book Club, we’ll get fresh perspectives on identity, relationships, anxiety, and more from people who have been there and wrote the book on it.  WE’RE OPENWe’re continuing to monitor guidelines and best practices for gathering in a safe way. Learn more about everything we're doing to keep you safe and how you can help by using hand sanitizer, washing your hands often, and more: a time and attend a service with us: STEPSHave you made a decision to follow Jesus? You may be wondering wh