Calvary Chapel San Ramon Podcast

Exodus 32: "40.Days. Later."



Pastor Brian Daly delivers a powerful message from the Old Testament with current applications in this season and the seasons of life still to come.How fleeting is the praise of men and popularity. How tragic is the progression of sin. 40 days is always a time of testing but we fail because we are an impatient people. As we are called to wait on God, any delay for us can create opportunities to disobey and then foolishly take matters into our own hands. Remember that God’s timing, not our timing, is always perfect.God does not change His mind. He is always willing to show mercy and extend grace. We must not let our love and compassion for others grow cold. The heart of Moses is the love of God on display for us to learn as Moses prayerfully intercedes for his fellow brothers and sisters. Accept today God’s free gift of salvation. Call upon the name of the Lord, today, and be saved. Seek Him while He can still be found. His evidence is all around us. If you have questions, need someone to talk to or would ju