Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw

#130 - I Love That You're Emotional



This week Wendy K Laidlaw talks about the correlations between a recent televised court case showing openly the manipulation of a famous toxic person to another.  Whilst the male gender is generally believed to be the dominant aggressor in some relationships, in this particular case it was the female.  This is more common than many people believe. Personality disorders, controlling and manipulative behaviour experienced by another person is often underestimated and the physical impact poorly understood by mainstream society.  Wendy discusses how to get clear on identifying any unpleasant or toxic people in your life that may be triggering your nervous system (unconsciously) and/or inhibiting the immune system from working effectively to heal endometriosis naturally.  She also shares what steps to take and how to gently start empowering yourself and your body in a super safe way. Learn more about the 5 Weeks Embracing Your Emotions Program at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com/Programs   #HealEndometriosis