Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 287



This week I am discussing the natal chart and transits for author Mark Bolye and his back-to-nature lifestyle, prompted by a Uranus transit Here's the link to his book The Way Home: tales from a life without technology that I read before this podcast I'm using Whole sign bcoz I don't have a birth time Natal Chart Mark Boyle Sun Taurus, Moon (possibly) Libra, Mercury, Venus & Mars in Aries.  Seesaw chart. Yod joining Sun, Neptune and Pluto retrograde Transits for Buy Nothing Day 4 planets in Sagittarius transiting natal Neptune in Sagittarius Saturn conjunct natal North Node in Virgo Transits for Buys Land in Ireland Uranus now conjunct natal Venus his Sun's ruler The Way Home published Having had the last few years Uranus transiting Venus/Mars & Mercury, Uranus is now starting it's 7 year transit through Taurus