

Welcome to the 48th podcast on the Corporate Strategy & Transformation study and we remain in week 4. The previous podcasts discussed each of the elements which together comprise the visioning workshop. In this podcast we discuss the workshop structure, how we ran it and the overall outcome.  Click here to see the full study and here to see the merger study and market entry study. TCO IV is underway and turning out to be unusual. 4 participants and all are roughly the same in terms of performance so all have a clear chance. This is unlike TCO I where Felix was clearly stronger all the way from the screening interviews, and TCO II where Alicedominated from start to finish and even TCO III where Jen was the stronger participant from the start.  If you missed our recent announcement, note that The First 90 Days in Consulting training program is now live. Thank you for all the great feedback we are receiving and your requests for continuing with this series are noted. Step 5 Week 3 of the Corporate Strategy