Zelda Informer Podcast

The Champions’ Cast Is Getting A New Name: The Zelda Cast!



To everyone that's been following the Zelda Dungeon podcast for the last four an a half years, we've got some news for you: the podcast will be undergoing a name change! Four and a half years ago when I decided I wanted to revive the Zelda Informer Podcast (that's going waaay back!), the hip and happening thing in the Zelda world was The Champions' Ballad, the last piece of downloadable content for Breath of the Wild. Wanting to play on that name, The Champions' Cast was born! For over four years, we've podcasted weekly about all things Zelda, from Breath of the Wild to Ocarina of Time to Wand of Gamelon to Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland to literally anything even kind of associated with The Legend of Zelda. With that in mind, we thought it was fitting that with the upcoming Breath of the Wild 2 around the corner, we establish a name that better represents what our show is all about: The Zelda Cast! So what does this mean for longtime listeners of the show? Are there any earth shattering changes you should expect? I