Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

242. No more tomorrows



What would you do if you only had one day left?   Many of us think we have time. More time. Perhaps we are taught to put of today what matters because tomorrow May happen.   Do we have more time?   If you take time away, as a factor what would life be like? What would your today become?   Some how progress and upward mobile and a middle class, comfortable lifestyle seems to lead many of us to lazy.   Lazy is thinking today doesn’t matter, the more times our parents don’t wake us up the more that notion is reinforced. The snooze button is used by lazy minds who think now downs matter.   What would you do today if tomorrow wasn’t happening?   Would you dress the way you do?   Would you go to school, work?   I have asked so many people that question I now realize few are programmed to even think outside of the lazy comfortable life at all costs existence.   If you asked a cancer patient if you had one day to life what would you do or become. Now those answers are unique… I would make love until my heart explod