Kevin Whitsitt

Using Ethereum with Pancake Swap and the Crypto Crash?



Click on the link below for the full blog post...  Hey, today I want to talk about using Ethereum with pancake Swap. A little about how pancake swap works and a little about how Luna crashed the crypto market.   Pancake swap is a DEX (Decentralized Exchange).  You could think of a DEX is like a central exchange such as Coinbase but instead of 1 company running it, it's computer code. It's decentralized.   In order for a DEX to work it needs money.  By investing in the DEX someone can earn some nice rewards. This is called Yield farming or liquidity mining.   PancakeSwap runs on the Binance Smart Chain so in order to use Ethereum on PancakeSwap you would need to use a bridge to swap Ethereum ERC20 tokens to BEP20 tokens that run on the Binance Smart Chain.    If you click on the link below there is a post where I walk you through exactly how to do this. You could also go to trustthelink.c