Power Hour With Alex Epstein

Rupert Darwall on The Unscientific and Suicidal Corporate Net-Zero Movement



On this episode of Power Hour Alex Epstein interviews energy/environment researcher Rupert Darwall, author of The Age of Global Warming and Green Tyranny, on why the corporate “net-zero” movement is unscientific and suicidal. Here’s some of what they cover: - Where the net-zero-by-2050 and its accompanying 1.5 degrees C target came from. Hint: It’s not a scientific origin. - How even small steps toward “net-zero” are harming citizens and industry in the UK. - The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC’s) religious focus on minimizing human impact on the planet instead of maximizing human flourishing on the planet. - How the IPCC evades the amazing improvement in human life over the past two centuries and fossil fuels’ fundamental role in it. - How the IPCC doesn’t seriously address the costs of net-zero policies. - Why certain elements of Wall Street find “net-zero“ so compelling.