Bragging On Jesus

Is It Personal?



This message is Galatians chapter 1... however for some reason I excluded the last three verses which goes along with the text above it showing the developing of Paul's ongoing personal dependence on the Lord after his salvation. Christ is the vine that would supply Paul and all the other the branches(all believers)bringing strength, purpose, unity and community. But the Lord is our source... we look to Jesus; not man and not our-self. The top of the notes on my phone says: "Jesus can fix this" That's a reminder for me to look to Jesus and point others to do the same. This is the end goal of every Christian counselor's session with someone who is struggling... If you know Christ keep developing the personal part of your relationship with him. If you don't know him, Look to Jesus and keep looking. This is mankind's only hope and joy. Here's the omitted verses I also mis-referenced in the message. Paul is speaking: Galatians 1:22 And I was still unknown in person to the churches of Judea that are in Christ.