Kessler Foundation Disability Rehabilitation Research And Employment

Greenspace and Psychological Well-being: An Unexpected Finding Among People with Spinal Cord Injury



A recent investigation has spurred two of our researchers to question how natural spaces influence the quality of life of people with mobility disabilities. Their recently published research – written with several co-authors – revealed an unexpected negative connection between psychological well-being and residential greenspace. Their research showed that people with spinal cord injuries living in neighborhoods with a low amount of open space were less likely to suffer from depression than those residing in neighborhoods with a moderate amount of open space. Our guests on this podcast – Lauren Murphy, PhD, and Amanda L. Botticello, PhD, MPH – were part of the research team. Both scientists work at the Centers for Spinal Cord Injury and Outcomes & Assessment Research at Kessler Foundation. Funding source: Craig H. Neilsen Foundation (grant numbers: 639798; 290518). Learn more about: Drs. Lauren Murphy at and Amanda L. Botticello, https://kesslerf