Hazel & Katniss & Harry & Starr

Ready Player One



Whew boy are we ever unhappy this week!In the decade since the celebration of all things* geeky and nerdy was published, we've done a complete 180 on this property. In part it's because of the over saturation of nostalgia and corporate IP, but also because things like Gamergate and Comicsgate have darkened explicitly male-oriented perspectives on fandom (to say nothing of things like the "Not That Kind of Girl" movement).In hindsight, this is Ernest Cline's shopping list of what he thinks is cool, which means excluding *female texts and even family-oriented material. While the idea of celebrating marginalized pop culture and embarking on mythic quests is still fun, the sad reality is that this book has aged very badly.So what's the film's excuse?! Not only does it misunderstand the point of the book, but the challenges are dumb, Artemis is somehow even worse and it's nearly TWO AND A HALF HOURS long! Don't even get Joe started on all ofThe Shining stuff. In Brenna's words: "Thanks, I hated it."Wanna connect w