

At the beginning of this month, we reached our seven years of podcasting milestone here at Selling the Couch. That’s pretty crazy when statistics show that three out of every four new podcasts die after only seven episodes. Join us to learn what it takes to beat the odds and keep your podcast going. When I started the show back in 2015, podcasts were new. I am naturally introverted, so podcasting does not come easily to me. I remember being fearful on multiple levels and wondering how long I would be able to maintain sustainability with the podcast. We experienced slow and steady growth over time, however, and we currently average anywhere between 21,000 and 26,000 downloads in a month. Today’s session is a solo episode in which I share five tips that have helped me keep the podcast going. Stay tuned to learn more! You’ll Learn: You have to have done a decent amount of podcast episodes to hit hockey stick growth Tip #1: Focus on building systems initially rather than releasing a mass of episodes.  Notice