Calvary Chapel San Ramon Podcast

Episode 202: Matthew 9:35-10:4 "God of Compassion"



Jesus came to reveal God to us. Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God. “It has never been seen like this in all of Israel,” said the people as they observed Jesus doing Messiah like things, which made the multitudes ready to receive. But, the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit by the Pharisees was unwavering to Jesus as He stayed the course of his mission, teaching, preaching and healing. Jesus is the first mover. Everything is in motion except the first mover because He does not have to be in motion, because He, is the first mover. Moved to compassion, Jesus sees people who are weary, scattered and lost sheep without a shepherd. What do we see when we look into a crowd of faces? Do we sort them by hygiene, income, race, politics? Or do we sort them by Heaven or Hell? The destiny of their souls? Everyone we see has been fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. Jesus came and did not send anyone else, because it was personal to Him. We all need the forgiveness and grace of God.How do we get the