Aubrey Marcus Podcast

Sex Magick To Magnetize Your Dream Life W/ Emily Fletcher #354



Emily Fletcher is the founder of Ziva meditation which has absolutely revolutionized my own meditation practice. Contrary to popular belief, Emily beautifully states that “thoughts aren’t the enemy of meditation, effort is”, and details how the objective of meditation is not to get better at meditating, but to become better at life. But recently her highest excitement has come from the exploration of the deeply embodied sex magick practices that she taught to my Goddess of a wife, Vylana. Her combination of mastery in both mediation and the ecstatic practices of pleasure for the purpose of both cleansing and magnetizing desired reality is astounding. Get your FREE tickets to Emily's Masterclass: EASY MAGIC: 3 Ways Stop making Your Life Harder Than It Needs To Be | Connect with Emily Fletcher Website | Twitter | Instagram | *Join the Aubrey Marcus Podcast Premium Membe