Jane Hamill | Podcast

Q&A: “I Have Content but Hesitate to Post.”



I recently did a LIVE Build a Following from Scratch workshop and one of the entrepreneurs typed in the Zoom chat… “I have content but hesitate to post.” Yep. Been there, done that. Sometimes we know what we're "supposed to do" for our business but we just aren't doing it. Planning and over planning is a big problem for entrepreneurs. Thinking and overthinking is a another big problem for entrepreneurs. And here's the truth: Nothing’s going to happen if you don’t DO anything.  In this episode, I want to help you break the pattern of planning to do stuff but not actually DOING it. Show Notes:  https://fashionbrainacademy.com/content/ If you want to dive deeper into these strategies, stay accountable, get consistent traffic to your online store, and have consistent sales... Join The Club.