

Last week, my good friend Mike Dillard sent out an email where he analyzed the tumultuous events happening across the world right now. As war broke out between Russia and Ukraine, he wrote powerfully about how we got here, the breakdown of our supply chains, and he shared 10 Ways We Can Prepare for What’s Coming. Today, I’m reading Mike’s email, from top to bottom, and sharing my commentary along the way. While some of these topics are controversial, possibly scary, and very concerning, my goal is to uplift you and make you feel more empowered by giving you steps you can take now to be prepared for whatever may come our way. Mike’s writing can feel intense at times and may seem like a departure from the usual tone of this podcast, but it comes from a place of love, care, and concern. I consider all of us to be family, and like any family, I believe we should look out for each other. Even if everything in this episode doesn’t resonate with you, my hope is that you find at least a few significant take-aways tha