The Casey Crew

Episode 184: You’re Average At Best..



In today’s episode, Gia, Raashaun and special invited guest and longtime friend , Lil Shaun watch a clip of a YouTube show hosted by Kevin Samuels, which went viral... In this clip, the host implies that above average men, which he describes as men in the top 10 (financial) percent, are not interested in below average (looking) women. He further implies that such men are typically exclusively interested in above average looking women with no baggage. In a nutshell, the take away from his show is that “average” people should have no expectation of ending up with an “above average” person because “above average” people don’t want them... So these are the questions that I pose to you…Do you agree with the age old notion that most women want men with money and most successful men want arm candy? And do you “qualify” for the type of partner that you desire? Let’s talk about it...