

“Every single one of us, at some level, has a responsibility to take our knowledge, our life experiences and transform them into a book that could help an infinite amount of people.” Have you ever read a book, one that inspired you or that you couldn’t put down, and thought “I wish I could do that”?  Well you can.  More importantly, you SHOULD! Whether you believe you’re an expert or not, everyone can benefit from writing their own book.  In this episode, I share how I decided to write my first two books, and discuss the three big reasons why everyone should do the same: personal branding, income, and legacy.  You can be an entrepreneur, an employee, or even a stay-at-home spouse; find out how you can benefit from writing a book.  I even give you some basic tips for how to get started.   “How can you argue with a 3 month commitment that will have so many benefits for the rest of your… CLICK TO TWEET   Everyone has a story to share or advice to give; it’s time to get yours out to the people who need it!  Wri