

Regardless of your field, one of the most important skill sets to master is knowing how to effectively connect with, communicate with, and influence your clients. The formula I rely on for this – whether I’m selling, writing, or developing a podcast – is the Context Creation formula. This episode will give you the elements you’ll need to implement this strategy in your life immediately. It’s changed a little bit over the years but I’ve narrowed the Context Creation formula to five major components: 1. ACK – Acknowledge Your Audience 2. ETW – Enter Their World 3. ENR – Enroll Your Audience 4. WIIFT – What’s In It For Them? 5. ETR + BVA – Earn The Right + Be Vulnerable and Authentic ACK + ETW + ENR + WIIFT + [ETR+BVA] = Context Creation   “When you’re vulnerable, people fall in love with you.” – Jon Berghoff CLICK TO TWEET   TRANSCRIPTS Download the Transcript for Episode #112 (PDF) JOIN THE CONVERSATION >>If you enjoyed this post, if it added value to your life, please leave a quick comment below and SHARE