

Although Vasavi Kumar has appeared on dozens of TV shows, she has also been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and started her career as a certified social worker. In other words, you are about to get an exceptionally diverse perspective to help you Achieve Your Goals! Today’s episode will help you reaffirm that solid character and work ethic are at the foundation of prosperity, and that committing to your goals authentically and tenaciously is what you really need to succeed. In this podcast, you will… Get Vasavi’s three game-changing tips for entrepreneurs Learn the value of solution-based coaching to keep you on track for success Hear how doing more than what is expected, will get you the results you want Learn why it’s important to take action, even if you don’t believe in yourself yet Discover the secrets of building self-respect and conquering insecurities to achieve your goals   “If you want to be the best, you have to be willing to invest.” – Vasavi Kumar CLICK TO TWEET   TRANSCRIPTS Download