

Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your life; it means more to me than you might realize. As many of us will be celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday tomorrow, know that I am deeply thankful for you and for our community, and I appreciate that you allow me to be a (small) part of your life. I truly don’t take that lightly, as you’ll hear in the beginning of today’s podcast episode. :^) Speaking of today’s episode, although the Miracle Morning has become a huge part of my life, it’s just been recently that I’ve started thinking about creating an evening routine to help me become a better, happier, and more effective person. A practice that I started several weeks ago led me to create a (somewhat rough and unrefined) Miracle “Evening” routine – and it has already led me to some powerful insights and personal transformation. On today’s podcast, I take you through the three steps of this evening routine that’s almost as new for me as it will be for you – and I highly encourage you to give it a try!