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337: How Gratitude Changes Everything with Chip Franks



We’re living not just in a global pandemic, but a global mental health crisis. More people are struggling mentally and emotionally than possibly ever before. In fact, nearly half of Americans report the coronavirus crisis is harming their mental health, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll. However, what can give you the power to manage your mental and emotional state, in times like these, is a strong sense of control of your inner world. Today, we talk about how GRATITUDE can be the key that unlocks the door to your inner freedom. There are few people I know who excel when it comes to their mental and emotional well-being, like Chip Franks. Chip is a master of choosing the emotion that best serves him in any given circumstance, no matter how difficult or challenging it may be. You’re going to hear Chip talk about dropping his mom off at hospice last week, and how he’s able to remain grateful and joyful, even in the midst of losing his dear mother.  Today, Chip joins the podcast for the sixth time (no