

The other day, I posted the following quote on social media: "Consider that every painful emotion you have ever experienced has been self-created by resisting your reality. It's never the thing we think we're upset about that's actually upsetting us. It is our resistance. When you accept reality exactly as it is, you are at peace.” To this, I added, “When you accept reality exactly as it is, there is no pain, only peace. Instead of resisting reality, accept it unconditionally, giving yourself the gift of inner peace, and from that place of unconditional peace, you can choose to experience any reality that you want.” Several members of the Miracle Morning Community responded. They wanted to talk about the trauma, sadness, and pain they’ve felt in their own life caused by losing others and enduring difficult circumstances. On today’s podcast, I want to address this. I want to teach you how to free yourself from emotional pain. I want to help you find the power and purpose in emotional pain and discover how to a