

Every day, we’re faced with the reality that humanity is divided right now, possibly more than ever. I’m seeing people be outright hateful to each other, in ways I’ve simply never seen before. Even wishing harm upon others has become all too common. I fear that humanity is losing the shared values that are necessary for us to sustain peace and unity.  If you and I aren’t the change we want to see in the world—if we don’t stand for love, compassion, respect, forgiveness, freedom, and allowing each other the dignity to each choose how we live our lives—we, as a species, may be in more trouble than any of us can even imagine.  But how can we love, respect, and forgive people who have wronged us, or who we view as a threat to our own safety? How can we honor our own values while getting along with people who may not share our values? Is it possible for us to remember that we are ALL fundamentally the same—human beings on this journey we call life—and to focus on and find common ground in our shared humanity, as o