

I know this is a departure from topics I normally address on the podcast, but I hope you’ll listen and take this episode seriously, as well as read this email for more details and resources. I took the time to record this for you from a place of moral obligation.  I don’t know if you’re aware, but we are experiencing a severe, unprecedented global supply chain crisis, and I’ve been researching and considering what this could mean for all of us. Specifically, there is a realistic possibility that we could experience food shortages in the relatively near future (this fall/winter). I’m talking about grocery stores and restaurants not being able to get food, and thus each of us having to rely on our own supply for an unknown length of time.  After experiencing relatively minor food shortages when the pandemic hit (think empty grocery shelves and no toilet paper), and more extreme shortages here in Texas last winter during what was known as the “snow-pocalypse” (it was very difficult to find any meat at grocery st