

I mentioned this in an email I sent you on Monday (Subject Line: Your Community Needs YOU Now More Than Ever), and today I’m delivering a podcast to you on this topic. As a society and as human beings, we’re facing unprecedented challenges. Like never before, people are disconnected, lonely, divided, and prone to conflict. In this moment, however, we have the power to step up and lead our communities—our families, our workplaces, our clients, and humanity as a whole. But what does it actually look like to become that leader for your community? To help me answer that question, I’m excited to welcome Jon Berghoff back to the podcast. In today’s conversation, Jon and I walk you through powerful frameworks he uses to help leaders, entrepreneurs, and even companies like BMW unlock their collective wisdom—and how you can use them in your own life and work today. You’ll also have the opportunity to learn more about the FREE Workshop that Jon will be hosting for our community on February 9th, to dive even deeper into