Everything Co-op With Vernon Oakes

Dr. Prieto & Dr. Phipps discuss African American Mgt and Gaining a Cooperative Advantage



Researchers Dr. Prieto and Dr. Phipps discuss their book "African American Management History: Insights on Gaining a Cooperative Advantage," and the African philosophy that was the primary inspiration for the book. Dr. Prieto and Dr. Phipps are highly acclaimed researchers and educators, who are members of the Thinkers50 (i.e., The Oscars of Management Thinking) Radar Class of 2021. Their work has been published in a number of outlets including the Journal of Business Ethics, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, and the Journal of Management History. They have been recognized by the Academy of Management for publishing “ground-breaking African-American Management History research,” and have also written a book entitled "African American Management History: Insights on Gaining a Cooperative Advantage." Leon C. Prieto, PhD is the Director of the Center for Social Innovation & Sustainable Entrepreneurship, and Associate Professor of Management at Cl