Microbe Magazine Podcast

WHO Critical Review of the Antibacterial Pipeline (AAC ed.)



AAC just published a review from the WHO advisory panel on the antibacterial pipeline analyzing ‘traditional’ and ‘non-traditional’ antibacterial agents and modulators in clinical development current on 30 June 2021 with activity against the WHO priority pathogens, mycobacteria and Clostridioides difficile. Today, we will dissect this important publication Objectives: • Understand the role of the WHO in antimicrobial resistance • Discuss the analysis of the antibacterial pipeline • Deliberate on important highlights from the review and the future of antibacterial research. Guests: - Dr. Peter Beyer, Senior Advisor for the Antimicrobial Resistance Division at the World Health Organization. - Dr. Mark Butler, MSBChem Consulting, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia - Dr. Prabhavathi Fernandes. Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, GARDP, Geneva, Switzerlandand The National Biodefense Science 17Board, Health and Human Services, Washington DC, USA This episode of Editors in Conversation is brought to you by the Antim