Movies N Sh*t

Episode 7: I Need to Pee but I Don’t Want to Miss Anything (from May 2019)



Originally published May 2019. Republished January 2022. In this week’s episode, we tackle the entire Marvel universe movement, specifically - Avengers: Endgame.  But first, we tackle recent shit we’ve seen [6:38], talk movie news - highlights include: ridiculous theatrical adaptations of movies, shit about Game of Thrones, Star Wars weddings, and crying fans [12:10], we take our first “fan” phone call [24:34], and then (finally) give the definitive take of all takes on the Avengers series [28:30]… spoilers begin at [34:05] cause that’s where we start talkin’ time travel, story beats, and Robert Redford before inevitably descending into madness.  All that, plus so many shout outs and a hidden gem movie recommendation at the end(game) [102:31]